Tachyonic Physics

Tachyonic Physics


According to any decent Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.  Those three FORMS of energy describe and explain everything that has ever been experienced or observed.

It is obvious from the Light Cone Chart that everything that exists outside of the light cone is infinite or tachyonic in ALL directions and ALL dimensions.  It is tachyonic, syntropic, hyperdimensional, infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, psychic, indestructible, and conserved.



Tachyonic physics is the scientific study of the infinite, the omnipotent, the hyperdimensional, the spiritual, the omnipresent, the omniscient, the syntropic, the eternal, the everlasting, and the conserved.  Everything outside of the light cone is infinite in ALL directions and ALL dimensions.  It’s tachyonic!  It’s hyperdimensional.  It’s God-like.  ALL of the conservation in this universe is found within the tachyons, because luxons and tardyons are not conserved.  This means that it is ONLY possible to process and conserve quantum information within Tachyonic Quanta, Conserving Quanta, Conserved Spirits, or Tachyons.


The atheists get worked up about Quantum Gravity precisely because they deny the existence of tachyons, the infinite, the supernatural, or the omnipotent.  Quantum Gravity is zero or infinite, depending upon your perspective, dimension, or reference frame.  ALL of the math tells us that it is so.  Zero and infinity are different sides of the same coin.  All or nothing.  Omnipotence or quiescence.  Yin and yang!  It’s tachyonic – meaning that it covers and explains everything.  The tachyonic is the union of opposites.  ONLY the tachyonic, or the infinite, or the omnipotent, or the hyperdimensional can reconcile all the infinities and zeroes!  You can’t reconcile nor handle all the infinities with tardyons or entropic physical atoms due to the limitations that have been built into them.  It’s physically impossible to handle and control and predict the infinite with physical atoms or tardyons.

In the normal QFT (Quantum Field Theory) world, that stage stays fixed and unmoving throughout eternity, allowing us to focus on all of the interaction inanity. But general relativity tells us that the stage is alive, too. It bends and warps under the influence of the actors; and that bending and warping redirects the actors’ motions. And when we look back at our basic electron-photon interaction under a quantum field picture, we start to get migraines. We have to take into account not only every possible combination and permutation of photons and electrons interacting, but also all possible configurations of space-time underneath them!

The infinities are too much to handle. We can’t find clever ways to package them up. We can’t forget about them and pretend they don’t exist. We can’t patch over them with known measurements. The math is too complicated. There are simply too many possible configurations of both the interactions and the underlying space-time. We can’t make the math simple enough to solve; our mathematical models lose their predictive power. They break down.



Tachyons ARE Actors!  Tachyons are minds.  Tachyons, or omnipotent particles of energy, handle and manipulate and control infinite possibilities.  Tachyons deal with it by making a choice!  Choice is the ONLY way to deal with all the infinities in the math that show up when they start dealing with quantum gravity or tachyonic physics or reality.  Choice, a Mind, or a Tachyon reduces those infinite possibilities into ONE single actuality.  It collapses the wave function!  That’s the power of choice!  It collapses infinities or infinite possibilities into ONE single reality or actuality.  Simple.  Logical.  Parsimonious.  True.

There’s NO need to try to predict or control the infinite, because by definition, you can’t control nor predict the infinite or the omnipotent.  It can’t be done.  It is impossible!

Choice, the tachyonic, or the psychic is the ONLY way to solve the infinities within Quantum Gravity and Tachyonic Physics!  It’s so simple to solve once they introduce “choice” or “choosers” or “tachyons” into the equation, that it sometimes makes me wonder why nobody has ever seen it before.  Oh, right, the materialists, naturalists, behaviorists, nihilists, and atheists deny the existence of choice, choosers, tachyons, as well as quanta or spirits.  The atheists don’t have anyone to collapse those infinities or infinite possibilities into ONE single reality or choice.  Consequently, they have NO explanation for it.

The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists set themselves apart from the rest of us by denying the existence of luxons, tachyons, choosers, choice, psyches, minds, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, syntropy, conservation, quantum waves, the quantum fields, as well as massless and entropyless particles of energy.  Consequently, the atheists don’t have anyone to collapse the wave function or to make a choice.  Because they don’t have anyone who can collapse the wave function, the atheists don’t have any way to solve Quantum Gravity or the Theory of Everything.

We have to turn to tachyons, psyches, minds, choosers, and tachyonic physics to explain how infinite possibilities are being collapsed into ONE single reality or actuality.  Like I said, tachyonic physics is the scientific study of the infinite or the omnipotent, which means that it is the scientific study of choosers, psyches, or minds.  Tachyonic physics is big enough to include all ideas, to solve every problem, and to explain everything that we have ever experienced or observed.  Tachyons and tachyonic physics can even solve the quantum law of gravity by using choice and choosers to do so.  Tachyons can choose things into existence by collapsing the wave function or by starting the quantum waves in the first place.  Tachyons can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons at will at any time, and then back again into tachyons!  That’s omnipotence, or choice, or mind in action.

Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, minds, or choosers collapse infinite possibilities into one single actuality.  With the tachyonic or the infinite or the omnipotent, it is impossible to predict what will happen; and that’s precisely the point!  The math and the infinities tell us that it is so!  In actuality or reality, Tachyons CHOOSE what’s going to happen among the infinite possibilities that could happen.  That’s the way things really work!

T = ∞.  Tachyon equals infinity.  This is the Ultimate Equation of the Universe or the Grand Equation of the Universe.  It covers and explains everything!

Tachyons are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite, hyperdimensional, indestructible, God-like, syntropic, eternal, everlasting, and conserved MINDS.  A tachyon or omnipotent particle of energy can do anything that it wants to do whenever it wants to do it, unless of course it is trapped within a tardyon or has transformed itself into a tardyon.  A tachyon, conserved particle of spirit matter, or omnipotent particle of energy has a mind of its own.  Tachyons are psyches, intelligences, or minds.  Conserved Quanta or Quantized Psyches or Infinite Singularities are tachyons.  The Quantum Fields are tachyons.  Omnipotent particles of energy are tachyons.  Energy is conscious and alive, because energy cannot die, because energy or life force is conserved.  You can’t start nor end tachyons or energy.  You can ONLY transform them into luxons or tardyons, and then back again into tachyons.  WE KNOW that this is true, because it has been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified.  It explains what everything is and how everything works.  It is obvious that it is true.  It has to be true for us to exist.

T = ∞ is the Grand Equation of the Universe for anyone who wants to know what everything is and how everything works.  It explains everything in scientific terms that anyone should be able to understand.  Science doesn’t get any better than that!

In 1980 when I was first introduced to physics, I was taught – based upon the theory of relativity – that it would take an infinite amount of energy to propel or to push a physical object to the speed-of-light or faster.  I believed them, which means that it is impossible to propel a tardyon or a physical atom to the speed-of-light or faster.  I was also taught that if we were to propel a physical atom to the speed-of-light, then that physical atom would become omnipresent or the size of the entire universe.  That means that warp drive, and Star Trek, is nothing but science fiction.  I don’t know if that’s what you were taught, but that’s what I was taught.  Tardyons or physical atoms can never travel at the speed-of-light.  It’s physically impossible.  It can’t be done.

In 2016, when I started studying quantum mechanics, I eventually learned that a tachyon is anything that is traveling faster than the speed-of-light.  A luxon or quantum wave travels at the speed-of-light, which means that a tachyon travels faster than the speed-of-light.  By definition, a Tachyon can travel faster than the speed-of-light which means that a Tachyon is omnipotent, omnipresent, or contains an infinite amount of energy!  The ONLY way that a Tachyon could contain an infinite amount of energy is if all of its energy is conserved.  By the summer of 2020, I realized that T = ∞ really is the Grand Equation of the Universe or the Ultimate Equation of the Universe.  It has to be.

Mark My Words

