Mass Shell Condition



For this attempt to MAP the physical to the quantum, I’m going to dive into Quantum Field Theory, because the pay-off is obvious and massive.

The mass shell p2 = m2 is a hyperboloid in four-momentum space.  In contrast, a light cone p2 = 0 is a cone that represents the future connected to another inverted cone that represents the past.  The interior of the light cone represents spacetime or this entropic physical universe.  Mass forms a shell that is completely disconnected from the surface of the light cone, which is why mass can’t travel at the speed-of-light nor travel through time.

You see, according to Quantum Field Theory, light is directly connected with its past.  In contrast, mass or a massive object or a physical object has been completely severed or disconnected from its past.  We human beings can’t remember our pre-mortal life because our physical body and physical brain put up a veil that completely separates us from our past.  Physical objects or massive objects are deliberately separated from their past.

Notice carefully that the m0 mass shell (p2 = m2) is represented by a hyperboloid that is completely separated from its past.  In contrast, light is represented by the dashed lines forming the X through the origin.  Light is two light cones (p2 = 0) that are connected to each other at the origin.  Light is actually connected to its past.  Isn’t that fascinating?  The result is a conservation of quantum information within conserved quanta or photons that is physically impossible to achieve at the entropic level or the physical level.

An object is said to be on-shell if it is massive and has mass.  It’s on the mass shell.  By definition, a quantum object is said to be off-shell if it is massless, entropyless, unphysical, or non-physical.  By definition, a photon is off-shell because a photon is massless, entropyless, unphysical, and non-physical.  A photon is not restricted by mass or gravity because it is not on the mass shell.  A photon has NO physical restrictions.  A photon is directly connected with its past.  In other words, a photon remembers its past, according to the Quantum Law of Information Conservation.  NO information is lost at the quantum level, if Quantum Theory is correct.  Quantum information is conserved within Tachyons, Psyches, Intelligences, Particles of Energy, Conserving Tachyons, or Conserved Quanta.

In contrast, mass or physical matter has been deliberately separated from its past, and therefore, it no longer remembers its past.  Technically, physical matter has no past according to Quantum Field Theory because it is a completely brand-new object or particle, has been completely transformed, and has been deliberately separated from its past during its construction.  Consequently, mass is temporary or temporal or entropic.

You can see with your own eyes that mass has been messed with.  Mass or physical matter has had inefficiencies deliberately introduced into it.  It has been deliberately slowed down.  Mass has been deliberately separated from its past.  Mass has had physical restrictions placed upon it.  Mass has been deliberately crippled.  Light is more primal, more quantum, and more efficient than mass.  Light or psyche or intelligence remembers its past.  At the quantum level, information or intelligence or psyche is always conserved, because at the quantum level intelligence or psyche is able to remember its past and is connected with its past.  The scientific explanatory power of this observation is unlimited.

As scientists, we have got to be willing to figure out where the massless, entropyless, non-physical, syntropic, conserved tachyons are located and what they are; otherwise, we will never figure out how anything works.

Finally, according to this model, a tachyon (p2 > 0) will form a hyperbolic solid or a hype volume with a solid radius around the origin.  To match the model, it should have probably been called a Hype Shell or a Hyperdimensional Shell.  We’ve got a Light Cone Shell and a Hyperbolic Mass Shell, so we just as well have a Tachyonic Hype Shell or a Tachyonic Hyperdimensional Shell to complete the ensemble.

According to the Hype Shell, a tachyon is omnipresent in both the past and the future and essentially exists in a timeless state.  Quantum objects and quantum waves are not subject to entropy or an aging process.  We know from Quantum Mechanics that a quantum wave or a photon can choose to quantum tunnel to its destination.  A quantum wave or a photon can choose to function as a tachyon if it wants to, and travel at an infinite velocity to its chosen destination.  While functioning as a tachyon, a photon doesn’t have to travel at the speed-of-light if it doesn’t want to.  It can travel faster than the speed-of-light because it has no mass or no resistance to acceleration.  A tachyon is a photon that has chosen to travel faster than the speed-of-light.  A tachyon is a photon or a quantum wave that has chosen to quantum tunnel.  Tachyons are unique!  Tachyons are omnipotent!

A tachyon is a hyperdimensional energy being.  It exists outside the light cone.  By definition, a tachyon or quantized psyche can travel through time and control time because it exists outside of spacetime as a hyperdimensional energy being in its native original form.

Can you see it?  It’s there and it’s real.  The quantum fields are tachyons.

The light cone wouldn’t exist without the hyperdimensional tachyons to make it exist.  The quantized psyches, conserved quanta, or tachyons are above, beyond, and before the light cone.  These are the people who enforce the light cone’s existence and make the mass, gravity, entropy, or “resistance to acceleration” in the first place.  Tachyons are conserved!

Notice that according to a tachyon’s hyperdimensional shell or quantum shell, a tachyon is eternal, everlasting, hyperspatial, and conserved.  A tachyon is one eternal round!  A tachyon is massless, entropyless, gravityless, timeless, intangible, God-like, and eternal.  A tachyon, psyche, intelligence, particle of spirit matter, or conserved quantum is a Hyperdimensional Energy Being who is “off the chart”.  Conserved Quanta or Quantized Psyches are tachyons.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  These tachyons or quantum fields or conserved quanta design, make, standardize, and control everything else!

The speed-of-light is simply a convenience that helps the photon or quantum wave to MAP itself onto our physical realm in a way that makes logical sense to us and in a way that preserves the arrow of time and the existence of spacetime.  There is no aging process, no entropy, no mass, no resistance to acceleration, and no passage of time in the quantum realm.  Therefore, a massless and timeless object like a photon or a tachyon needs to have some kind of standardized way to interact with or interface with our 3D spacetime physical realm should the thing choose to slow down, and stop, and become a part of our physical world.  The speed-of-light helps a quantum wave to find a way to MAP itself onto our physical realm.  The speed-of-light provides a conversion factor that light’s psyche or light’s intelligence can use to MAP the energies under its control onto our physical reality.

The truth of this is obvious because it has all been experienced and observed; has it not?  Even quantum tunneling or faster-than-light travel has been caught in the act.  By choosing to allow Psyche and Quantum Mechanics in to play, you can literally explain everything that comes your way.  This is cool stuff, is it not?  It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.  It pulls it all together.  Does it not?

This also ends an age-old philosophical dispute.  You see, anything that exists off the mass shell is by definition unphysical or non-physical.  Quantum waves, photons, and tachyons are off shell, meaning that they are off the mass shell, which means that they are officially non-physical or unphysical according to Quantum Field Theory.

The proven and verified existence of anything non-physical FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, and Atheism which claim that the non-physical or the supernatural does not exist.  Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics FALSIFY Physical Reductionism, Scientific Naturalism, Darwinism, and their derivatives.  By definition, in principle, Quantum Fields are non-physical as well as being pre-physical.  Quantum Fields are prerequisites for the physical.  The Quantum Fields are Tachyons or God-like.  The Gods or the Controlling Psyches had to design and make the non-physical quantum fields BEFORE they could make and sustain physical matter.  That’s the end of Naturalism and Materialism.  They have been successfully falsified by science itself!

Science needed a fresh pair of eyes from an open-minded unbiased outsider!  Science desperately needed someone who was willing to think outside of the box or the light cone!  I redid Science from the ground up.  I like the results because now I can explain in scientific terms what everything is and how it works!  The truth is tachyonic or conserved!

Quantum mechanics is obviously tachyonic!  It has NO physical limitations.  It has NO entropy, or NO mass, or NO gravity, or NO resistance to acceleration!  The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists deny the existence of the tachyonic!  That’s why they generate so much confusion and seem to get everything wrong.  These people have trapped themselves within the Light Cone and can’t get out!  If you want to find and know the truth, then you are going to have to be willing to get outside of the light cone and go tachyonic.

I love this Science due to its massively huge scientific explanatory power.  It’s infinitely better than the atheistic and naturalistic claim that NONE of this stuff exists!

According to any decent Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, luxon, or tachyon.  Luxons and tardyons are different FORMS of energy.  The FORM is not conserved!  ONLY their tachyonic core is conserved.  Tachyons or particles of energy are conserved.  Energy is tachyonic!  Tachyons are typically defined as something that can travel faster than the speed-of-light, or quantum tunnel, if it chooses to do so.  Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  They can do anything they want.  They can stand still, or they can quantum tunnel.  Tachyons are intelligent and alive.  Tachyons are psyches or intelligences.  Tachyons are God-like.  Tachyons are particles of energy.

Tachyonic means “syntropic” and “conserved”.  Tachyonic also means “quantum mechanical” or “hyperdimensional”.  Tachyonic means “omnipotent” and “omnipresent”.  Tachyonic means “God-like”.  Tachyonic is synonymous with choice, because tachyons or psyches can choose to be whatever they want to be.  Tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons at will.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  Tachyons are energy.

This is the Grand Secret.  Everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy by Tachyons, or Conserved Quanta, or the Gods.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons.  The mass shell, or mass shell condition, is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Quantum waves are made from tachyons and then collapsed by tachyons, or psyches, or intelligences.  Luxons and tardyons are started and ended by tachyons!

Mark My Words


