Atheism Versus the Truth
Because the atheists deny the existence of tachyons, they have NO idea that tachyons ARE the conservation of energy or the first law of thermodynamics!
This means that the atheists have NO idea that psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, particles of energy, or the quantum fields are tachyons. The materialists, naturalists, behaviorists, nihilists, and atheists have NO idea that these are ALL the same thing. They are ALL particles of energy, particles of spirit matter, or tachyons. This means that the atheists have NO idea that conserved quanta or conserved spirits are in fact tachyons. The atheists have NO idea that spirits and quanta are the same exact thing! Collectively as a group, the atheists deny the existence of massless, entropyless, intangible, non-local, hyperdimensional, non-physical tachyons, spirits, or quanta. Alas, a person can’t find and know the truth by denying its existence as the atheists do.
The atheists have NO idea that we physicists call particles of energy “matter”. Consequently, the atheists have NO idea that particles of energy and particles of spirit matter are the same exact thing. Furthermore, the atheists have NO idea that particles of energy or particles of spirit matter are tachyons, psyches, or intelligences, because the atheists deny the existence of anything tachyonic or supernatural.
The whole purpose of atheism is to make the theists look like idiots – to mock and ridicule the theists. The way they accomplish this is to try to convince us that tachyons or particles of energy don’t exist and to try to convince us that spirits or quanta don’t exist. However, once you KNOW that particles of energy are tachyons, while in their original native form, and that quanta are spirits or packets of tachyons, then it’s the atheists who look like idiots, because particles of energy obviously exist!
The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists deny the existence of tachyons or particles of spirit matter, even though tachyons ARE particles of energy.
We instinctively KNOW that tachyonic energy, omnipotent energy, or conserved energy is the fundamental basis of everything else and that energy keeps everything going! But we have the constant mocking and ridicule from the atheistic “scientists” trying to convince us that tardyons or entropic physical atoms are the fundamental unit of reality and the ONLY thing that exists. The atheists simply don’t know what they are talking about when it comes to tachyonic physics or quantum mechanics.
Tachyonic particles of energy or tachyonic particles of spirit matter can be the basis or the sustaining force behind tardyons or physical atoms; but temporary temporal entropic physical atoms or tardyons cannot be the basis or the source of power behind the tachyonic particles of energy or the omnipotent particles of spirit matter. The conserved tachyons can power or sustain the tardyons or the entropic physical atoms; but tardyons, entropy, death, resistance to acceleration, mass, heat death, or physical limitations cannot power nor sustain conserved tachyons or particles of energy!
The atheistic and naturalistic claim that physical matter is the ONLY thing that exists and that physical atoms are the fundamental unit of reality doesn’t work. It’s obviously false. WE KNOW from any decent Light Cone Chart that everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon. The atheists deny the existence of the luxons and the tachyons. The atheists are trying to convince us that ONLY the tardyons or physical atoms exist. The atheists are clearly wrong. Particles of energy or tachyons obviously exist!
The tardyons or physical atoms are mortal or temporal or temporary, which means that they can’t grant you immortality. Genes are mortal physical tardyons, which means that immortality or superpowers can’t be gotten from our genes. Tardyons or entropic physical atoms can’t give us what they don’t have! If you want immortality, then you are going to have to get it from the immortal, indestructible, omnipotent, supernatural, hyperdimensional tachyons or particles of energy.
You can’t get these Scientific Truths from their atheistic or naturalistic lies. The whole purpose of atheism is to convince you that tachyons or spirits don’t exist.
Tachyonic quanta or conserved quanta is the BEST, most interesting, and most explanatory Science that I have ever encountered during my entire life. Every scientist should automatically KNOW that particles of energy exist, that quanta are packets of energy, and that quanta exist. Every scientist should automatically KNOW that conserved quanta or conserved packets of energy exist.
Particles of energy obviously exist! If it weren’t for materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism, every scientist would KNOW that particles of energy and particles of spirit matter ARE the same exact thing, and that quanta and spirits are the same exact thing.
If it weren’t for materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism, every scientist would KNOW that particles of energy or particles of spirit matter ARE Tachyons while in their native original form. Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons.
If it weren’t for materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism, every scientist would KNOW that particles of energy ARE tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of spirit matter. Tachyons or particles of energy are the fundamental unit of reality and existence!
If it weren’t for materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism, every scientist would KNOW that quanta, or packets of energy, or packets of spirit matter, or packets of tachyons ARE Spirits. It is obvious that quanta and spirits are the same exact thing.
Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Behaviorism, Hard Determinism, Atheism, Creation by Chance, Creation Ex Nihilo, the Theory of Evolution, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics were deliberately designed to hide these scientific truths from us and to prevent us from discovering them. They do just that.
Unlike the atheists, I don’t have to resort to mocking, ridicule, intimidation, ad hominem attacks, credentialism, authority, and force to convince you that this is true because it is obvious that quanta and particles of energy exist; and it is obvious that particles of energy are particles of spirit matter or tachyons; and it is obvious that quanta are spirits or packets of energy. I don’t have to mock you and ridicule you in order to convince you that this is true because it is obvious that it is true! It is obvious that particles of energy are spiritual, non-physical, non-local, intangible, hyperdimensional, syntropic, tachyonic, psychic, intelligent, alive, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and conserved!
Particles of energy or tachyons obviously exist! It is obvious that the atheists are trying to trick us and deceive us by trying to convince us that particles of energy or particles of spirit matter don’t exist, even though they are the same thing. It is obvious that the atheists are trying to trick us and deceive us by trying to convince us that spirits or quanta don’t exist, even though they are the same thing. It should be obvious that the atheists are trying to trick us and deceive us by trying to convince us that tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy don’t exist, even though they are the same thing.
Once you realize that tachyons, psyches, or intelligences ARE particles of energy or particles of spirit matter, then instantly you KNOW that the atheists are lying to us and trying to trick us and deceive us. Once you realize that quanta ARE spirits, then instantly you KNOW that the atheists are lying to us and trying to trick us and deceive us. Tachyons are particles of spirit matter, and particles of spirit matter are in FACT particles of energy! That means that quanta are packets of spirit matter or spirits! These scientific truths have been repeatedly experienced, observed, and verified; therefore, WE KNOW they are true.
Truth falsifies their atheistic lies! Their atheistic or naturalistic deceptions and lies are falsified by the truth! Once I knew the truth, then I could no longer remain a materialist, naturalist, nihilist, or atheist. It was time for me to dump my atheism and to move on to something better instead. Ever since then, my Science and my scientific explanatory power have been getting better and better every year.
Mark My Words